Molly Wolchansky is the founder and owner of the publishing company, Augie's Bookshelf. 

Founded in 2018, Augie’s Bookshelf Publishing Company is known as the company with the most exclusive publishing process.

What do we do? We take your book and turn it into a masterpiece.

We strive to make sure that every single client that signs with us is 100% happy. We are a traditional publishing company, so that means we do not ask you for any money- ever.

Our publishing company holds books events, book signings, and more. We also send your book out to huge bookstores and local bookstores to ensure maximum exposure for your work.

You want to work with a publishing company that truly cares about your dreams in making it as a writer, and that’s where we come in.

Our team reads through thousands of manuscripts. Among this huge amount of submitted works, we only choose six to publish for the next calendar year. Why do we do this? Because our main focus is our authors. We make sure that the book we are marketing gets 100% attention, and we are able to do that by publishing only six books per year.

It is our goal as a publishing company to publish authors who may have not been recognized before.

Each year we publish a poetry anthology of the best poets on Instagram. We are so honored to publish this book to help spread the word about amazing poets who deserve to be published. For our latest poetry book, please click here. Our call for submissions for the next book will be in August of 2019.

How can you submit your manuscript for review?

Fill out our contact form and then send us your manuscript. It’s as simple as that. We are currently accepting unsolicited manuscript submissions.

Augie's Bookshelf Website